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A Groundbreaking Change at One Spirit’s Seminary

Empowering Equity, Inclusion and Belonging by Dismantling Broken Systems

Dear Friends of One Spirit Learning Alliance,

We have some big news about One Spirit's work in the coming years. It is such a bold stretch from how we have been conditioned to be in this culture. Though it may be audacious, we are proud and excited to ask for your partnership in this new endeavor. 

One Spirit is overhauling the tuition structure for our Seminary program and will be implementing a Fair Share Tuition Policy. Going forward, seminary students will elect to pay what they can afford. Our other programs are adopting this, as well, in their next admissions cycle. 

Until now, we have offered tuition assistance through a bureaucratic process that required students to submit financial statements and very personal letters to describe their situation and prove their need. Though these practices are common in education, we now understand that by applying them, we participated in a system that disempowers people through gatekeeping and paternalism. And we have also learned, through our commitment to becoming an antiracist organization, that policies like these disproportionately impact people of color in our community.

But no more. 

Going forward, whether students' circumstances prohibit them from paying the full costs, or whether their good fortunes allow them to pay more, all students will contribute to their education with pride and empowerment: 

  • When registering for Seminary, students will be asked to self-assess a level of tuition that is meaningful to them and choose the tuition option which best reflects that.

  • No questions asked. No paperwork, proof of income, or testimonial will be required.

  • The entire tuition process happens only after a student is accepted to the program, so applicants need never worry that their finances might affect the Admissions process.

  • To maintain student dignity and classroom integrity, the level of tuition selected will remain a strictly confidential matter between the student and the finance department.

  • To support students in financial need and increase the racial diversity of our student body, at least 50% of enrollments for the lowest cost tuition level will be reserved for those who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color (BIPOC).

This Fair Share Tuition Policy is designed to remove the barrier for entry that so many have experienced and to build stronger, more engaged, and more diverse cohorts of students who experience true belonging. 

But we need your help now to make this a success! 

First, please show your support for this work with a generous gift to our fundraising campaigns! 

Secondly, please tell your friends and family about our new tuition structure
 and encourage them to apply!

We look forward to sharing with you more about the important work we are doing to include everyone, everyone, everyone in our community, for that is the true gift of belonging. 


With many blessings,

Ilene Sameth, Chief Executive Officer
Rev. Brad Learmonth, President of the Board