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3 Tools to Ignite Your Divine Purpose

The Path of the Finger Labrinth

Experience this 20-Minute interactive Labyrinth Experience. 

Visio Divina (Divine Seeing)

Experience this 20-Minute interactive Visio Divina contemplative Meditation

Writing from the Desired Future

Step 0 : Prepare

Create sacred space for yourself: Consider situating yourself in a place that lends itself to undistracted contemplation. You might choose a quiet spot in nature, a favorite spot in your home, or even in a dark, candle-lit room. Take a moment to get seated and comfortable with a pen and ample paper. Turn off electronics that might interrupt you with notifications.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to ground and focus. Give yourself permission to clear your mind of worries, needs, and deadlines. If you have a favorite meditation practice, perhaps use that to drop into a deep state of mindfulness. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and begin to think about the following questions.

Step 1 : My Gifts

At the top of a page, write “My Gifts.”

When you are settled, ask yourself, “What are my gifts? What do I seem to notice, to sense, that others do not? If my friends, colleagues and loved ones from all areas of my life were asked to identify my three greatest strengths, what would they say?”

Write. Write whatever comes to you, stream-of-consciousness… No matter how beautiful, bold, or absurd, just anchor yourself in the questions above, and write without judgment. Don’t worry about spelling and grammar.

When you feel complete, return to the present and explore what you have written. Underline the strengths and gifts that have come up in your writing. Fully embrace these strengths and gifts as unique and radical expressions of YOU. Remember the thrill of using these gifts.

Step 2 : My Vision

Now, on a fresh page, write “My Vision.”

Close your eyes and again, take a few deep breaths and enter your personal sacred space.

When you are settled, consider this prompt: “The year is 2030. You are being featured on television in a weekly news item entitled “The Spirit of Service.” You’re being acknowledged for your unique expressions of service, great and small, as well as the inspiring, positive impact you are having. What have you accomplished? Whom have you helped? Describe the ways you have had an impact. When others are interviewed, what do they say about you that you are too humble to say about yourself? How did this expression of your service come about?”

Again, explore this question with complete freedom. Answer the above questions on paper, writing whatever comes to you, stream-of-consciousness… No matter how beautiful, bold, or absurd, please write without judgment.

When you feel complete, return to the present moment and lovingly explore what you have written. Explore your writing both literally and poetically: what images and metaphors might be clues to a deeper calling? What themes are arising?

Step 3 : Connecting the Dots

Now it’s time to connect your strengths with your vision(s) of the future. Consider the following questions as you connect your strengths to your vision of a better world:

  • How do you feel about what you discovered in Step 2? If you find the vision life-giving, exciting, or energizing, wonderful! But don’t worry if you find the vision confusing or disappointing in some ways: this is important information! How would you re-author those aspects so that this vision becomes a source of energy and strength for you?

  • Looking back to the strengths you discovered in Step 1, which strengths will support you blazing a trail toward your unique forms of service? How might they propel you?

  • Where might there be gaps in your knowledge or skills to achieving your vision? How might you strengthen these parts of yourself? With whom would you love to do this?

  • What clues about your life have you gleaned?

  • What one small thing can you do today?

Need Help on your Path?

We hope you have found these discernment practices helpful! And remember, you don’t have to explore these questions alone! One Spirit provides many paths for you to explore your unique expressions of service. Consider a training program, attend a free weekly gathering, join an open house experience, or schedule a Discovery call with our Director of Admissions, Rev. Darren Polito. We look forward to journeying with you!