One Spirit in Action
One Spirit in Action
Mission Statement
The realization of Divine Love on earth through a dedicated and persistent practice of sacred service and activism; through which all involved are transformed by the unifying, heart-shattering power of Grace. To engage the One Spirit Learning Alliance community in action that brings desperately needed attention, resources, and love to under-served communities around the globe. To experience sacred activism as a vehicle that moves us towards Oneness while deepening our understanding of and responsibility to one another.
Since our inception in 2013, OSIA has been in sacred service to underserved communities.
One Spirit
in Action
Sample of Initatives
Our current work involves dismantling structures of White Supremacy with a focus on eradicating the destructive enterprise of Mass Incarceration. In 2020 we hosted gatherings to educate and inspire action within our community. Such as a viewing and discussion of Ava DuVernay’s film 13th and a workshop entitled “With Freedom and Justice for All” featuring experts from within the prison reform movement. We have offered a 3-part lecture series entitled “What the History Books Left Out”.
Most recently, in October 2021, our community came together to uplift the voices and lives of our formally incarcerated sisters with “Re-Membering our Forgotten Community Part II.”

Remembering our Forgotten PART IV

Vigil For Peace
This event took place on Wednesday, March 30th.

Remembering our Forgotten PART III

One Spirit in Action Presents:
Re-membering our
Forgotten Community: PART II

“Re-Membering our Forgotten Community”

In addition, we’ve Organized Drives
For victims of domestic violence
For the homeless
For residents of Flint, MI
For Syrian refugees
We marched in the Climate march
Women's marches
Led Peace note campaigns
Partnered with the United Nations’ NGOs
on work ranging from Spirituality and Global Concerns to The International Day of Peace.
Helped to Rebuild
by rolling up our sleeves to do the physical work for a Hurricane Sandy rebuild project
Facilitated Workshops
We have hosted a panel discussion series entitled “Building Bridges” which focused on Religion and Violence, Islamophobia, and Racism
We facilitated workshops entitled “Tools for Conscious Conversations and the Work of Sacred Activism”