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Authentic Self-Care for Helpers

Facilitated by: Jessica Dolce
Available by: Watch Online Recordings
Price: General Public: $ 100.00 | One Spirit Graduates and Students: $ 90.00
Elective Credit: 1

Courage | Calm | Clarity | Connection

Now more than ever, folks in spiritual leadership and caregiving roles need increased support and skills to care for themselves, so that they can continue to effectively care for others. Join us and together we'll practice compassionate badassery by exploring the intentional, sometimes paradoxical, choices we need to make about how we engage with ourselves and our work. In this course participants will learn (or reconnect to) simple and effective body, mind, spirit, and heart-based practices and tools to help them authentically tend to their needs, so they can sustainably tend to their community.

When you join us, you'll practice cultivating:

  • Calm in your body by decreasing activation and empathic stress, so that you can think more clearly, sleep a little easier, and function more effectively.

  • Clarity in your mind by noticing and working with your thoughts, so that you can worry less, savor meaningful moments, and feel increased stability.

  • Courage in your heart by extending compassion to yourself and meeting all of your emotions with curiosity, so that you can keep your heart open to those who need you.

  • Connection in your spirit by tapping into your purpose, social support, and something bigger than yourself.

With each class, you'll feel less stressed and more capable of riding the waves of being in a spiritual leadership role during these challenging times.



Jessica Dolce

Jessica Dolce, MS CCFE, is a Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator, receiving her training from TEND Academy. Through online courses, coaching, and The Compassion in Balance® Program, her online education platform, Jessica supports helping professionals to navigate empathic distress and cultivate authentic self-care practices, so that they can be well while they do good work in the world. Jessica is an instructor with The Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida where she teaches wellbeing courses for veterinary professionals. She has worked with organizations around the world, including the ASPCA, Animals Asia, The National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association, and Wesley Urban Ministries. Jessica is also a contributor to One Spirit’s InterSpiritual Counseling & Companioning program. Jessica holds a Master of Science in Adult and Higher Education degree, is a Certified 3 Vital Questions® Trainer, and holds certificates in mindfulness facilitation, positive psychology coaching, and movement for trauma. She lives in Maine with her husband, dog, cats, and ducks. She can be found online at:

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