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FOR THE SAKE OF ALL: Relational Practices for Love and Liberation in Turbulent Times

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This is a 2-Day Workshop

Saturday, February 12, 2022 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET
Sunday, February 13, 2022, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET
Available by: Join by Videoconference or Watch Online Recordings (learn more about videoconference)
Price: General Public: $ 200.00 | One Spirit Graduates: $ 180.00
One Spirit Elective Credit: 2.0

What's the missing link between individual personal transformation and a compassionate, just, and equitable world where everyone can flourish? 

Our world is on fire. War, violence, growing economic inequity, institutionalized racism, and a massive ecological crisis threaten the world's well-being and humanity's survival. 

Current attempts to enact top-down policies or rely on individual change alone do not address systems of oppression, which live in our bodies and organizations’ cultural practices. Sustainable, lasting change requires that we build cultures of practice rooted in the values, principles, and habits of mind and body that we long to live into. Justice is a practice. Anti-racism is a practice. Beloved community is a practice. 

How do we reconcile tremendous suffering with the love and beauty that exists all around us? Learn to cultivate truth-telling, healing-centered, and visionary communities which collaboratively cultivate care, justice, and equity in order to alleviate suffering and help us all thrive.

  • Deepen your capacity for belonging and compassion

  • Learn tools for transforming trauma 

  • Develop a stronger anti-oppressive lens

  • Learn diverse restorative healing modalities

  • Reclaim your creative and visionary capacities

  • Work for and on behalf of all


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Brooke D. Lavelle, Ph.D.

Brooke D. Lavelle, Ph.D. (she/her) is the Co-Founder and President of the Courage of Care Coalition, a nonprofit dedicated to facilitating the co-creation of a more just, compassionate world. Courage’s diverse, interdisciplinary, multi-generational team provides training and consultation in relational compassion practices, anti-oppressive pedagogies, restorative healing methods and systems tools to social service and caring professionals, as well as to educational, spiritual and human rights organisations. Brooke holds a Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies and Cognitive Science from Emory University, an M.A. in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism from Columbia University and a B.A. in Religion and Psychology from Barnard College. Her academic work focuses on the intersection of spiritual practice and social justice.

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Miko Brown, M.A.

Miko Brown, M.A., is a core faculty member at the Courage of Care Coalition. Miko has spent the last decade working with nonprofit and governmental organizations to help foster a more just and compassionate world. That work has included several terms of national service with AmeriCorps as well as mental health and wellness work. Miko also has experience managing social justice programming and facilitating social justice and equity initiatives through work in the farmed animal sanctuary movement. Miko received their Master’s Degree in Social Change and has contributed writing to the anthology Veganism of Color: Decentering Whiteness in Human and Nonhuman Liberation edited by Julia Feliz and the story of her work is featured in the book A Better World Starts Here: Activists and Their Work by Stacy Russo. Miko was also selected as a 2021 fellow with the New Leaders Council, a training program for young progressive leaders. Miko is passionate about healing, justice, collective care, self-love in action, and committing to liberatory practices for the benefit of all beings and our planet.

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