Welcome One Spirit Ambassadors!
This summer, we launched our One Spirit Ambassadors program. We now have almost 30 dedicated ambassadors who are carrying the message of One Spirit to various communities and advancing our mission, vision, and impact.
Ambassadors amplify awareness of One Spirit's programs and initiatives, support fundraising efforts, and engage with the wider interspiritual community.

The Art of Listening
definitions and examples of what it means to listen, including some of my experiences to develop a listening practice, and to find ways to allow for space and time to listen. While listening is an art more than a science, science can help distinguish the difference between hearing and listening.

Divine Metaphors … in our lives, our words, our work
The essence of spiritual counseling is the art of listening so deeply that people find themselves speaking from an unexpected depth at the very heart of their soul—a place where they encounter concepts or ideas that may seem impossible to express with words. This raises an important question: “How to describe the indescribable?”

How Spirituality Can Help Individuals Transform the Workplace
This article is devoted to exploring how to nurture a supportive and sacred workplace environment. It will discuss topics such as bringing spirituality into the profane, healing yourself first, Interspirituality, and more. Through practical strategies, this blog will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to foster a workplace culture in which each person is respected and valued.