Image, Imagination, and Soul-Making: an Exploration through Fractal Art
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2022, 7:00 - 8:00 pm ET
Available by: Join by Videoconference Only (learn more about videoconference)
Suggested Love Offering: $ 10.00
Facilitated by:
Rev. Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee
Carl Jung famously said, "Image is Psyche" (Collected Works 13: 75). Psyche is Greek for Soul. Creative expression is indeed seen as the language of the soul in cultures around the world.
During our time together, we will spend some time in silence with a series of abstract, fractal images. Afterward, we will explore how each of our creative imaginations finds words to put around the encounter with these images. As we each speak our words into the space, filtered through our own individual and cultural experiences, we will weave together a tapestry that provides a glimpse into what is sometimes called "Anima Mundi," or "the World Soul."
Rev. Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee
Rev. Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee is an ordained interspiritual minister, spiritual counselor and a Dean at the Seminary Program at One Spirit. Trained as a biophysicist and cell biologist in India and in the United States, she works as an Associate Professor of Research at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City. Her scientific work focuses on high-resolution microscopy and image analysis, and their applications in cutting edge biomedical research. She is thus very finely attuned to the nuances of images, and the stories images can tell. Sushmita’s soul-work is that of psychospiritual alchemy, carried out within a Jungian/Archetypal vessel. This Work is deeply influenced by the teachings of Carl Jung, James Hillman and Joseph Campbell. Sushmita sees images that arise from the depths of our souls (in the form of dreams, fantasies, impulses and ideas), as carriers of potent symbols that can transcend apparent dualities. Images, for her, are living psychic entities which have the power to reweave the torn fabric of our souls, thus bringing about a profound wholeness. Sushmita loves to write, to visualize, to teach and to create art that lives at the interface of Science and Soul.
If you have questions about registering for this course, please contact One Spirit Learning Alliance by email to or call 212-931-6840.