Dates: Thursday, August 12, 2021, 7:00 - 8:00 pm ET
Available by: Join by Videoconference Only (learn more about videoconference)
Suggested Love Offering: $ 10.00
Praying with the Bible through a Metaphysical Lens
Have you ever thought of the Bible as a library…a collection of people’s encounters with and insights about the Divine, by whatever name they call It?
The collection starts with the Hebrew Bible, the Books of Moses, the law, and the prophets and ends with a collection of letters and writings about the teachings of Jesus. In the Gathering, we are going to remove our shoes, our mortal opinions, and come into a space that is fresh, new, teeming with angel messages…and listen together to hear the still small voice of Spirit …just as we need to hear it…speaking through the Bible stories.
In our time together, Rev. Martha will share some concepts about her practice of praying with the Bible through a metaphysical lens and illustrate this perspective with a few stories….from the prophet Elijah and from Jesus. She’ll offer some guided prayers after each illustration, to see what lands for each of us, what Spirit may be telling us. Afterwards, we’ll meet in small break-out groups to discuss and unpack the experience and then finish the hour with some whole group time to ask questions, share insights, and discuss ways to continue this practice. Join us!
Rev. Martha Doran, PhD
Rev. Martha Doran, PhD, is an ordained interspiritual minister, graduating from One Spirit Learning Alliance (OSLA) Seminary in June 2017. Becoming a college professor in the early 1990s, she honed her skills of serving as a guide on the side, letting go of the urge to be a sage on the stage. She feels everyone is both a teacher and a student; that everyone has a story to tell, a unique gift to contribute; and that education is a way to lead forth this inner splendor. Martha was raised in the Christian Science religion and remains deeply grounded in her early teachings of an ever-present Presence that is exclusively good, inclusive of all. Yet she was called beyond a specific religion to a “place she knew not where”. Some years later, Spirit called her to apply to Seminary and what a treasure this interspiritual path has proven to be. Martha delights in the journey and feels her ministry is a daily walk to witness and hold all who come to her thought, all who are on her path in Truth, in compassion, in Love. She currently lives in Ventura, CA with her best friend and husband Gary, their dog Millie and the kitten sisters, Abby and Sam. One amazing pack!
If you have questions about registering for this course, please contact One Spirit Learning Alliance by email to or call 212-931-6840.