One Spirit Seminary

Seminary training for the next generation of spiritual leaders

One spirity seminary students
A life changing experience of community, spirituality and love.
— Rev. Sandy F.

Program Snapshot

  • Program Length: 2 Years, September - May

  • Format: Online, 1 weekend per month

  • Classes: 9:30AM ET - 5 PM ET, 150 live class hours

  • Start of Classes: September 7 & 8, 2024

    See all class dates

  • Additional Engagement: year-end, 4 day residential Intensives in Stony Point, NY

  • Tuition Levels: Fair Share Tuition

  • Electives: minimum 3 credits per year

"The one is made up of all things, and all things issue from the one” - Heraclitus

Interfaith Seminary

Interfaith seminaries train their students to perform ceremony, ritual, and service. Students study world religions, ministry, and counseling. These future interfaith officiants come from many diverse faiths.

Interfaith ministers develop sacred space by respecting and honoring all spiritual and religious traditions. Their work includes all the life celebrations found in traditional faiths.

Our seminary students come from diverse backgrounds.

One Spirit Interspiritual Seminary

At One Spirit, we respect and honor the differences of the many paths as we celebrate and value our sameness - we know all spiritual traditions share universal teachings, which bring us together as ONE in harmony.

Whether you look to Yahw-h or Jesus, Mohammed or the Dalai Lama …whether you find freedom in the heavens or grounding in the earth…whether you practice in silence or in jubilant sound…we believe that at the core, we are all one.

Do you believe we are all ONE?

Then we invite you to learn more about One Spirit seminary today. 

Develop your core spirituality in seminary

At One Spirit Seminary, we believe in developing core spirituality - the ONE bright space where all faiths and beliefs, love and compassion, and spirituality intersect - so that you can in turn provide skillful, sacred service to your communities and to the world.

Our seminary provides you:

  • a deep, life-changing experience

  • a welcoming, supportive community

  • skills to provide worldly service and transformational -change

  • ordination as an interfaith and interspiritual minister

“One Spirit [Seminary] was a positively life-changing experience. My teachers and classmates there transformed me from a lifelong 'wannabe' spiritual leader to an empowered, skilled minister, opening what has been the best part of my life.”

-Rev. Rosemary Hyde

Seminary Program

First Year Seminary Curriculum

  • Foundations of Interfaith and Interspiritual Ministry

    • Perennial Philosophy

    • The Interspiritual Approach

  • World Religions

    • Indigenous & Earth-Based Religions

    • Eastern Religions

    • Western Religions

  • Deepening Your Spiritual Life

    • Contemporary Spirituality

    • Contemporary Wisdom

  • Basic Counseling Skills

    • Psychological Principles for Ministers

    • Conventional Psychology

    • Transpersonal Psychology

  • Working With Diversity

    • Exploring Prejudice, Stereotypes, and Implicit Bias

  • Applications of Interfaith and Interspiritual Ministry

    • Death & Dying

    • Chaplaincy

    • Spiritual Healing

In your first year as a seminary student at One Spirit, you’ll be immersed in the rich traditions that have benefited humanity for millennia. 

Experienced spiritual leaders and long-time professional practitioners will nurture, guide, and challenge you to grow spiritually as you embrace and receive the wisdom of humanity’s many religions.

Provocative lectures, engaging group discussion, and personal reflection on sacred writings will empower you to become a spiritual leader and an outstanding interfaith minister.

If we are to survive and grow in our world, we must transform ourselves through love and acceptance for all teachings, all people, and all cultures, everywhere. One Spirit is a leader in this work .
— Rev. Cory C.

Second Year Seminary Curriculum

  • The Practice of Interfaith and Interspiritual Ministry

    • Creating and facilitating liturgy and worship

    • Creating rituals and ceremony

    • Prayer Support

    • Spiritual Counseling

  • The Path of Skillful Service

    • The heart of serving

    • Ministering within diverse communities

    • Authentic leadership

  • Creating Collective Inspiration

    • Creating meaning in community

    • Facilitating connections and community

In your second-year, you’ll learn to support the human family in all the cycles of life through ritual and ceremony.

You’ll learn how to be truly present, listen deeply, trust your intuition and guide others in their spiritual journey. As you better understand others and explore the relationship between healthy self-care and caring for others, you’ll be better able to help others - no matter their circumstances or experiences.

We believe serving with skill is of great value in our increasingly unpredictable world.

When you graduate, you’ll be ready, skilled, and energized. As an ordained minister and graduate of One Spirit Seminary, you’ll be empowered to make great change in the world, and help transform the lives of others.

One Spirit Seminary Ordination and Commencement
The most balanced, loving, open, transformative educational experiences of my life have happened in and with One Spirit and its faculty, fellow students and volunteers. My capacity for compassion—for the world and even for myself—increases with every class, every experience. I will never stop learning from One Spirit.
— Rev. Melinda W.

The “Deeper Curriculum”

The greatest learning and growth occurs in safe environments that also challenge us to ask meaningful questions, engage in honest self-reflection, and move beyond our current ways.

In seminary, we invite you to bring you your own particular experiences and challenges. We’ll nurture and support you as we encourage your own spiritual growth.

Your radical transformation, with the support of your peers and our experienced faculty, enables your ability to be of loving spiritual service.

The One Spirit Seminary “Deeper Curriculum” has helped many seminary students like you fulfill their deepest and highest aspirations.

Spiritual Practice for challenging times

Life brings many challenges. And the path of service is a difficult road.

We’ll help you cultivate your spiritual practice to develop your inner being and a centered, grounded self.

From your dean’s counsel and the wisdom of the world’s many religions, you’ll become a more authentic, stable you.

And from your grounded place, you can minister without being blown off course.

What is the seminary school program like?

Seminary Classes

Seminary classes are taught by our expert professionals who will lecture, ask thought provoking questions, and facilitate group work.

Spiritual Homework

Homeworks assignments include essential texts, inspiring questions, personal reflection, life reviews, and ceremony and ritual design.

They are designed to deepen your understanding, improve your thinking, and expand your sacred experience.

Online Seminary School

We value our global community and offer our diverse students from around the world live video conference training via our online class portal.

Student Study Groups

All of our seminarians participate in student-organized study groups.

These groups promote community, facilitate discussions among diverse group members, provide opportunity to explore spiritual practice, and engage in ritual and ceremony.

Seminarian Intensives

Each year culminates in a four day NYC area in-person intensive. We bring together our students from around the world which always results in a profound energy.

This energy is amplified by our spiritual initiation ritual for our first year interfaith seminary students. This energy propels students into their second year towards their private and powerful ordination ceremony during their year-end intensive.

Sacred Service

Officiants often speak. But we believe our actions should always back up our words.

That why our seminary students give at least 20 hours of volunteer service during each year of training.

Although, many give much more.


We support each other.

Students may choose a graduate mentor who will be available to serve as a sounding board and spiritual friend.

Seminary Faculty

Our faculty are among the most experienced educational staff in Interfaith and Interspiritual Education.

Seminary Deans

Each year you'll be assigned a Dean who is responsible for supporting your educational progress and spiritual formation through your seminary experience.

Your Dean is available to you regarding educational, personal and spiritual concerns, and to explore and resolve issues that might arise for you during your studies.

How much does One Spirit Seminary Cost?

Choose Your Own Fair Share Tuition

Yes, choose your own! Once accepted into the Seminary program, you’ll be asked to choose your tuition level from eight options based on your desire for positive change and your financial situation.

There’s no application for financial aid and no proof of income; just you in a discernment process with yourself about the value of your education in the context of your financial well-being.

We ask that you select the highest amount below that you can afford with well-being, as an investment in yourself and the positive change you will bring to our world. The pricing options in our Fair Share Tuition model ensure that people from all backgrounds can afford our world-class education while ensuring the most diverse class possible. 

Seminary Tuition per year

Generous payment plans available for all levels.

Sponsorship Levels:
Choosing a level above Full Tuition will ensure an economically diverse cohort and you’ll receive a tax-deductible contribution for the difference over the full tuition.




Full Tuition:
This is what it costs One Spirit to educate one student for one year.


Subsidized levels:
Every level below full tuition is offset by generous donations from graduates and sponsorship level students.




Subsidized level:
This level is capped at 25% of total enrollment and is intended for students needing the most assistance with at least half of enrollments reserved for BIPOC students.


Included in Tuition

  • Year-End Residential Intensive

    • 4 days/3 nights, room and board

  • Rituals and Ceremonies

    • Initiation, Ordination, and more

    • Commencement Ceremony

    Not Included

  • Books

    • approx. $177

  • Travel to and from Intensive

  • Core Program

    • 150+ Live Class hours

    • Individual & Group Work

  • Dean Supervision

    • One-on-One Goal Setting

    • Monthly Feedback

  • Elective Workshops

    • 18 to 24 hours of special interest training

Get in touch and learn more about our seminary.

Your journey with us as an interfaith minister starts here. We want to get to know you, your needs, your strengths, and your spiritual goals.

When we meet, we’ll answer your questions about our seminary as well as help in your discernment by asking thoughtful, reflective questions.

There is no obligation or commitment, and we look forward to personally connecting with you.

When you click the button below, we’ll send you our tuition infographic and someone from our team will personally reach out to you.

What Our Seminary Students Are Saying

“My graduation from One Spirit in 2012, was the second most meaningful event in my life (the birth of my son was the first). My experience was rich with diversity, love, learning, growth, compassion and love. Wish I could do it all over again!!”

— Elaine Richane

“I attended One Spirit Interfaith Seminary and was ordained in 2016. One Spirit is an exceptional place to study Seminary, Spiritual Counseling and any of their class offerings in spirituality and healing. Their faculty are top notch in their respective fields. Their staff are the most professional, attentive and caring to be found anywhere. I am very happy with my training as an interfaith minister. One Spirit was more than what I expected. They are true to being interfaith, being of service and of providing the best education in this arena.”

— Mignon Grayson

“First and foremost, the vibe is welcoming, warm, present...every who hungers for true connection is invited to come in, take a weekend class, a series of weekday evening seminars, a one time panel on a provocative subject or settle in to a professional training in Interfaith Interspiritual Ministering or Counseling. This is deep and current learning that promotes an awake awareness of life at multiple levels of experience. Nearly all offerings are available to and bring in participants from across the US, Canada and wherever technology permits.”

— Leslie Reambeault

It doesn’t end with ordination

Our seminary graduates continue to seek opportunities to serve.

And we provide many ways to enable our graduate interfaith ministers, officiants, counselors, and companions. These include

  • Volunteer opportunities

  • Mentorship opportunities

  • Spiritual counseling or companioning referrals through our graduate directory

  • Ongoing professional and spiritual training

Who are the One Spirit Seminary students?

Our seminary students are world leaders in spiritual education. They have large followings, have founded schools, written award winning books, are university professors, founded companies, and are successful community organizers. No matter their direction, they all continue to serve with the spirit of one in their hearts.

  • Aziza Reid 1 Spirit Seminary Student

    Aziza Reid

    Founder of Def Dance Jam Workshop, an inter-generational mixed-ability non-profit committed to ending ableism. She is the recipient of the Peace Corps’s Lillian Carter Award and One Spirit’s Shutov Elohim Award. Aziza also founded OSIS Ministers of Color Sacred Circle. She is a community organizer, social Justice advocate and spiritual counselor.

    “I’ve long understood the concept of seva or selfless service and social action, but at One Spirit I learned to make it a practice and to create processes that impact my life and the lives of others on a daily basis.”

    (Photo Credit: Peace Corps)

  • Karla Kamstra - 1 Spirit Seminary Student

    Karla Kamstra

    Founder of Numa Soul, teacher and author, Karla helps people recover from religious trauma, reclaim their spirituality, and live with purpose and authenticity. She has amassed a following approaching 600,000 followers on TikTok and Instagram, where she uses creativity and wit to connect with and teach her followers. Karla credits One Spirit for being the catalyst for her own healing journey that led to her finding her true calling to help others who desire to heal and live with intention and meaning.

    "I owe so much to One Spirit for helping me find my voice."

  • Barbara Becker 1 Spirit Seminary Student

    Barbara Becker

    Barbara authored Heartwood: The Art of Living with the End In Mind, which won the Gold Nautilus Award 2022. She’s founded EqualShot, a communications and advocacy firm, and has partnered with human rights activists from over 30 countries. Additionally she is part of the Disaster Spiritual Care Team at the American Red Cross and a delegate at Zen Peacemakers for the Native American Bearing Witness Retreats.

    “I entered One Spirit Interfaith Seminary committed to finding ways to take my spiritual practice off the cushion and into the world. Becoming ordained as an interfaith minister opened doors and provided more opportunities to serve than I ever imagined.”

  • Jonathan Hammond - 1 Spirit Seminary Student

    Jonathan Hammond

    Jonathan Hammond is an author, teacher, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual counselor. Jonathan is a certified Master Teacher in Shamanic Reiki, Usui, and Karuna Reiki, and is the Advanced Graduate Studies Advisor for Shamanic Reiki Worldwide. He teaches classes in Shamanism, energy healing, spirituality, and Huna at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Penn State University, and the One Spirit Learning Alliance in New York City.

    “To encapsulate the transformative experience of attending the Inter-faith Seminary at ONE SPIRIT is to say that there was my life before ONE SPIRIT, and then there was my life after ONE SPIRIT. After graduating, the entire paradigm of my life changed and clarified itself in new, expansive and amazing ways.”