Welcome to One Spirit.

Thank you for contacting us and exploring new possibilities on your spiritual journey with One Spirit as a Interspiritual Companion and Counselor.

Our admissions team will be personally reaching out to you at the contact info you provided.

Below, you’ll find details on our fair share tuition system and more about the Interspiritual Companioning and Counseling program.

  • Discovery Call

    Our Admissions Coordinator Rev. Stephanie Heilker will be personally reaching out to you to offer a Discovery Call - a casual conversation to see what is possible for you and your next steps. But you don't have to wait, use this button to schedule one now.

    One Spirit Admissions Coordinator Rev. Stephanie Heilker
  • Explore Community Events

    We offer a rich variety of community events and programs free or on a donation basis to provide opportunities to come together for spiritual conversation, practice, learning, exploration, and service.

Equity & Transparency

We are committed to full transparency with our students and creating financial and educational equity as we pursue
becoming an antiracist organization. Our tuition infographic below is an example of that transparency.

Take the next step.

Take the next step.