Cultivating a Life of Sustainable Compassion
Facilitated by: John Pavlovitz
Available by: Watch Online Recordings
Price: General Public: $ 100.00 | One Spirit Graduates: $ 90.00
Elective Credit: 1
Do you feel other people’s pain deeply?
Compassionate people are profoundly affected by the suffering of others, and right now, the volume and the relentlessness of the threats can be wearying.
Our empathy is a beautiful and invaluable instinct, but it comes at a cost to our physical, emotional, and relational well-being. When we step into the trenches of life seeking to be agents of healing and justice or simply to hold others in the depths of difficult emotions, the trauma takes its toll.
To encourage you and give you the tools you need to embrace your most compassionate self without burning out, growing apathetic, or damaging your health, pastor, and author John Pavlovitz has created this empowering and nourishing workshop, Empatheology©: Cultivating a Life of Sustainable Compassion.
Through teaching, guided discussion, and individual reflection, you’ll discover:
How to live an empathy-centered life
How to overcome the most common barriers to empathy
How to nurture and protect your own energy as a compassionate human being
Attainable self-care techniques to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the depth of the need around you
How to build empathetic communities to encourage and lift you, and to enable you to be safely burdened by the pain of this world
Ways to craft a lifestyle of sustainable activism; and what to do when you’ve exhausted your resources
You will leave with a toolbox filled with practical methods for sustaining yourself and you'll be prepared and positioned to be in the work of empathy for the long haul.
This program is open to all, but may be of particular interest to those working in caring professions; including activists, ministers, parents, healthcare workers, and deep feelers.
John Pavlovitz
John Pavlovitz is a writer, pastor, activist, and storyteller from Wake Forest, North Carolina. Over the past decade his thought-provoking blog, Stuff That Needs To Be Said, has reached a diverse worldwide audience, with over 100 million views.
A 25-year veteran in the trenches of local church ministry, John is committed to equality, diversity, and justice—both inside and outside faith communities. His books include A Bigger Table, Stuff That Needs to Be Said, and If God is Love, Don't Be a Jerk. John currently directs Empathetic People Network, a vibrant online community which connects people from all over the world who want to create a more compassionate planet.