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OSLA Alt Faith Collective

Available by: videoconference
Facilitated by:
Rev. Dr. Deb Berman, DMin, LCSW
Price: This is a free event!


The widespread loss of vital Alternative Relationship and Alternative Identity social, spiritual, and community forums during the pandemic inspired the creation of the OSLA Alt Faith Collective. This private monthly online forum provides a warm and affirming spiritual safe haven for OSLA's Altfolk to be together, engage in sacred connection, and receive support in nourishing our unique and divinely created Alt souls. Program content includes theological exploration of Altness and holiness, inspirational and Affirming readings, discussion, participant sharing and mutual support, and other content aimed at buttressing OSLA's Altfolk as we walk our sacred paths as ministers, counselors, leaders, scholars, healers, educators, students, and seekers.

This group is for Altfolk and those exploring their Altness. Committed Allies or people who want to become Allies are warmly encouraged to reach out to Rev. Deb for resources, information, and a comprehensive reading list.

Alternative (or "Alt") is a purposefully broad term encompassing people who are oriented to diverse non-mainstream relationships or family/kinship constellations, or whose sex, sexuality, sexual practices, and/or gender expressions are non-stereotypical or non-conforming. Alt Relationship and Alt Identity populations include, but are not limited to, Polyamory, Ethical Non-Monogamy, Kink, BDSM, Leather, Consensual Power Exchange, Chosen Families, LGBT, Queer, Genderqueer, Fluid or Fluctuating, and beyond, as well as those who are in discernment as to where they might land in this beautiful firmament of Altness.

Meeting every 2nd Wednesday of the month, 8:00 am - 8:50 am EST, Online.

If you have questions about registering for this course, please contact One Spirit Learning Alliance by email to or call 212-931-6840.



Rev. Dr. Deb Berman,

Rev. Deb (she/her), a 1st year Dean at One Spirit Seminary, facilitates the Alt Faith Collective from her home in Amsterdam, Netherlands. A licensed holistic and integrative psychotherapist in private practice, Rev. Deb is also the founder of PrideMinistry, an international online spiritual, life, and relationship coaching and counseling practice. PrideMinistry serves a diverse range of seekers, including those who identify as LGBTQAI2+, polyamorous, non-monogamous, kink, sex workers, straightfolx, allies, and beyond.

Rev. Deb holds a Master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of Social Work and a Doctorate in Ministry in Pastoral Counseling and Clinical Education from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Her groundbreaking dissertation, “Understanding the Spiritual and Faith Community Needs of People in Alternative Relationships,” was the first study to explore the intersection of alternative relationships and spiritual communities. Rev. Deb is an ordained Interfaith minister through One Spirit and facilitates the institution’s Alt Faith Collective affinity group.

With a distinguished career in organizational leadership, she has served as Director of Behavioral Health at Interfaith Hospital in New York City and Director of Social Work and Clinical Services at the National Jewish Council for Disabilities. Alongside her clinical work and coaching practice, she is a liturgy, leadership, and lifecycle advisor to clergy and faith communities seeking to become more understanding or more affirming of diverse sexualities, genders, and relationship/kinship structures.

Rev. Deb has spoken at over 200 professional conferences and workshops and continues to mentor and supervise master’s and PhD students, psychotherapists, spiritual counselors, health and wellness professionals, clergy, seminary students, mental health counselors, and sex educators.

If you have questions about registering for this course, please contact One Spirit Learning Alliance by email to or call 212-931-6840.

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