This is a 4-Evening Workshop meeting Wednesdays
4 Wednesday Evenings, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm EST
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 2022
Available by: Join by Videoconference or Watch Online Recordings (learn more about videoconference)
Price: General Public: $ 100.00 | One Spirit Graduates: $ 90.00
One Spirit Elective Credit: 1.0
Access the higher realm wisdom and healing of your guides and ancestors while tangibly experiencing a sense of interbeing with all consciousness. Reaching these states naturally requires us to journey inward, surrender the ego, and trust our interconnectedness to a power greater than ourselves. It’s here that we hold the space for wisdom, inspiration, and healing to flow to those in need.
Over four weeks we’ll explore and find expression in four sacred states of consciousness:
Trance Healing: to increase healing ability to help others
Trance Writing: to express creativity on a soul level
Trance Speaking: to express wisdom and inspiration on a soul level
Trance Communication: allowing a guide or ancestor in Spirit form to express themselves
We’ll learn to:
Reach a state of receptive attunement to the power of the One, our guides, and our ancestors
Identify some of our mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual issues that need healing
Work within our group to intensify the powerful collective vibration to enhance trance healing and soul-inspired expression
Experience the positive effect on our ability to self-heal and self-express through these trans states.
Karen Frances McCarthy
Using the immense power of mediumship to heal the heart, progressive Irish medium, best-selling author, and public speaker, Karen Frances McCarthy MA CSNU, strives to provide comfort in your time of need. She blends the Celtic mysticism of her upbringing with the loving kindness of her Buddhist practice to bring messages of joy, healing, and support from loved ones in spirit form. An advocate of the ethical practice and healing potential of mediumship, Karen underwent years of intensive training at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College in England and holds three awards, Certificates of Recognition, in mediumship, spiritual healing, and public speaking from its governing body, the Spiritualist National Union. She is currently a PhD candidate, researching the cultural narrative informing contemporary ghost literature at the prestigious Russell Group University of Birmingham in the UK.