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Walking the Path of Forgiveness

Walking the Path of Forgiveness

Facilitated by: Rev. Diane Berke
Available by: Watch Online Recordings
Price: General Public: $ 100.00 | One Spirit Graduates and Students: $ 90.00
Elective Credit: 1

"Forgiveness takes courage. ... We are giving away, releasing, our pain, anger, and fear. Forgiveness creates space inside us – space to heal, to love, to reconnect, to renew. It is an act of power."

- Diane Mariechild

Although forgiveness is a core practice of every religious and spiritual tradition, it is also one of the most misunderstood. Deepening our understanding and experience of true forgiveness offers us powerful opportunities for healing and awakening to our true identity, and expands our capacity to be of service to others.

This one­-day workshop offers a framework for working with forgiveness as a transformative spiritual practice. Exploring both self­-forgiveness and forgiving others, we will:

  • identify common misperceptions about forgiveness that block our capacity to forgive

  • and discover ways to open to its profound liberating and healing power.



Rev. Diane Berke

Rev. Diane Berke is the Founder and Spiritual Director of One Spirit Learning Alliance. Ordained as an interfaith minister in 1988, she is a respected pioneer in the field of interfaith/interspiritual education; this past June (2020) she stepped down after 18 years as Director of the One Spirit Seminary Training. Diane has worked closely with Andrew Harvey in his Institute for Sacred Activism, is a founding member of the Contemplative Alliance of the Global Peace Initiative of Women, and is a co-founder of Transformation 365, an online platform to introduce people to a broad range of contemplative practices. She is also a certified facilitator of the Circle of Trust® work of the Center for Courage and Renewal. Diane maintains a private practice in spiritual counseling/companionship and supervision of spiritual counseling students and practitioners. In addition, she is a licensed mental health counselor in New York State. A student and teacher of A Course in Miracles for over 30 years, Diane has led retreats and workshops on spiritual development throughout the United States and internationally. She is the author of several books and educational manuals, including Love Always Answers, The Gentle Smile, Developing and Deepening Your Spiritual Practice, and Forgiveness as a Path of Awakening. Diane is known for the clarity and wisdom of her teaching, the sincerity and depth of her compassion, and her ability to create exceptionally safe and nourishing learning and companioning spaces in which people can heal and blossom. She continues to actively serve One Spirit as a "spiritual grandmother" and guide.

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